Not Nice (because virtue is more than being cordial)
I’ve resisted starting a blog for ten years now. Main reason? Just another unvetted opinion in a sea of opinions. Secondary reason? There isn’t an original idea out there. Anywhere. It’s been thought before, considered before and definitely said before. A lot. So why do it and why now?
Because I hold a minority opinion on most topics relating to culture and if this site can be a refuge of sanity for like minded people then that’s reason enough. Why “Not Nice”? Because western civilization is slowly turning into a culture where the primary virtue is cordiality. And something’s wrong with that.
I plan to write (no, I can’t yet come to terms with using the word “blog”) on a regular basis. Focus? Ethics and values as related to popular culture, government and religion. So that’s your signal to exit out if that’s not what you’re into.
I will post essays & articles (mine mostly, but also ones that catch my fancy), or just comments. I am a philosopher due to education, a bibliophile due to habit, and an observer due to age.
I expect to have more people who disagree with me than agree. So be it.